Getting into the analyse of the seasonal lacking or surplus resource of natural light, I am immersed in a frightening nightmare of past-gothic experiences, understanding that natural light sources have not been studied enough, whereas spaces can be dark and spooky sometimes in the winter. Even if agriculture is an activity based on the solar movement and the climatic seasons, there has not been enough understanding and application of passive essential on the physics of natural light intakes, natural light conducts and the general geometrical volume of architecture and architectonic planning in Estonia. The solar intake in the facades regarding the cardinal coordinates are not studied into depth, a north facade could be symmetrical to a south facade, even though the energetic interactions are different in 4-staged climatic seasoned latitude, where the inner climatic conditions vary in each season of the year. It would be interesting to create a metaphorical comparison between the termite mounds or termitarias and the Estonian buildings, not regarding the height, but the energetic functioning. The termite mounds are oriented by the cardinal axes and the termites move from one side of the mound to another, where the temperature and the environmental conditions are more comfortable. In several buildings in Estonia I have observed randomly-placed huge windows that create heat loss like thermal bridge in the winter and unbearable sunlight income in the hot summer-days. I believe there is now a movement to incorporate more light-placing modular windows in the roof structure, but this is not enough; natural light analysis should be incorporated in the stem essence of the initial conception of architecture and its present and future culture. In contra-position to the production and resistance of thermal energy, the Estonian architecture is poor regarding to natural light.

 The ventilation systems are very standardized and are manifested with predefined systems that are incorporated to a design but rarely I see integrated  systems that help to create a more comfortable and healthy ambience in the inner space. While attending to the Rohevik green growth forum in the University of Life Sciences, I remember having listened to Tartu vice-mayor Raimond Tamm mention that the main goal with Estonian architecture is to make the interior ambience of the spaces more healthy and reliable on natural energies. If I was to propose a theme for a seminar to Estonian architecture, I would focus in the health and hygiene of architecture and its maintenance. Attics or upper floors and basements are the most fragile vertical emplacements in architecture because of the exposure to humidity and other factors.